This is the official media channel for Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (ADMIGOV). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822625. For more information on the project, please visit:
The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is on Protection in the borderlands of Europe. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and…
This MOOC is about the relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations. Through four case studies - in Lebanon, Turkey, Mali, and Ethiopia…
This MOOC is about the relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations. Through four case studies - in Lebanon, Turkey, Mali, and Ethiopia -…
This MOOC is about the relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations. Through four case studies - in Lebanon, Turkey, Mali, and Ethiopia -…
This MOOC is about the relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations. Through four case studies - in Lebanon, Turkey, Mali, and Ethiopia -…
This MOOC is about the relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations. Through four case studies - in Lebanon, Turkey, Mali, and Ethiopia -…
ADMIGOV MOOC 6 Full Version 14 of 15
32:20duration 32 minutes 20 seconds
ADMIGOV MOOC 6 Full Version
This MOOC is about the relationship between development interventions and migration aspirations. Through four case studies - in Lebanon, Turkey, Mali and Ethiopia -… -
This last video of the ADMIGOV MOOC series developed from WP7 on the indicators of good migration governance. WP7 crowns the empirical findings in earlier work…