Search for tag: "chatgpt"

references required

In this video we show that when asked for general references, GPT an provide correct references. However, when asked for references that are related to a specific claim, GPT tends to hallucinate and…

From  Fam te Poel 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Example requiring higher-level skills for an assignment

In this video we show the difference between a rather simple task like writing a summary and a more complex task like writing an introduction for an academic paper and how chatGPT handles these…

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From  Fam te Poel 0 likes 12 plays 0  

example current events assignment instruction

In this video an example of chatgpt output for an 'old' event (Covid-19) is compared to output for a more recent event, from after October 2021.

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From  Fam te Poel 0 likes 12 plays 0