Search for tag: "kennisclip"

The three assumption of CTML

Understand how students process information to their long term memory and how good mulitmedia design can help students understand your subject. This clip explains the Cognitive Theory for Multimedia…

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From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 3 plays 0  

CTML IPM three assumptions

Understand how students process information to their long term memory and how good mulitmedia design can help students understand your subject.

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From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Insights in the amount of energy used in a household

This educational video is part of the course Zero-Energy Design: an approach to make your building sustainable, available for free via ©️ TU Delft, released…

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 3 plays 0  

The Most Dangerous Science Experiments—The Vampire Stake Test

Go to or text “actionlab” to 500 500 to get one free audiobook and a 30 day free trial! Plus, if you’re an Amazon Prime Member, you can get 3 months of…

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Why should you use video in your course?

What are the benefits of video in education compared to other types of media? Video is time and place independent, it's a form of multimedia and it's a great medium to evoke emotions. This…

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Bayes explained with Lego

This video gives a Lego explanation of Bayes Theorem. Based on the blog by Will Kurt:

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Moderation in SPSS

How to run a moderation analysis in SPSS using the PROCESS macro

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 11 plays 0  

SEM 1 - Lecture 4-3: Assumptions

Voorbeeld kennisclip van Sacha Epskamp. Voorbeeld van schrift op werkplek.

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 9 plays 0  

SEM 1 - Lecture 4-2: Missing data

Voorbeeld kennisclip van Sacha Epskamp.

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 10 plays 0  

DISCOVER UvA | Wist je dat kussen het leukst is in 24 dimensies?

Voorbeeld Kennisclip. Demonstratie van een lightboard in de studio over het wiskundige onderwerp kussende cirkels.

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Neurologisch onderzoek (4/5): reflexen

In deze instructievideo leer de hoe je de spierrekkingsreflexen onderzoek. Deze kennisclip is het vierde deel van een serie van vijf korte video's waarin de uitvoering van het neurologisch…

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Credit loss models explained

Voorbeeld van een gebruikte kennisclip in het Msc programma van Sanjay Bissessur.Op basis van de Shakespeak response data, bijvoorbeeld het percentage studenten die de vraag fout hebben, heb ik het…

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From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial - Part 1

NEWER VERSION AVAILABLE: Watch the beginner donut series completely remade for Blender 3.0: This series is based on Blender 2.8, so some things may no…

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From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Four Centuries of Freedom - part 3

To mark the celebration of the 440th anniversary of the foundation of Leiden University four short films have been made about the University’s history.

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 10 plays 0  

CTML en wiskunde

In deze video wordt de Cognitieve Theorie voor Multimediaal Leren (CTML) gekoppeld aan het onderwijzen van wiskunde.

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From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Kennisclip Stadssociologie: Gentrification

Deze kennisclip laat het proces van gentrification zien aan de hand van beelden uit de Indische Buurt van Amsterdam.

From  Fleur Braunsdorf 0 likes 36 plays 0